Évaluation : 7.4 sur 10 basé sur 1101 avis.
Titre | Muhammad: The Messenger of God |
Translation | Francais - Vostfr |
Durée | 2h 35 min |
Fichier | 648 MB |
Pixels | MPEG-2 ★1440p ★BRRip |
Nom de Fichier | Muhammad:-The-Messenger-of-God-h.264.mp4 |
By the order of King of Habasha Abraha, one of his army commanders charges ahead Mecca to ruin the House of God. He leads thousands of soldiers, horses and elephants all fully equipped. By God’s will in 3km distance from Mecca, in its outskirts the elephants come to a standstill refusing to take any more steps. Millions of small birds throw red hellish pebbles carrying in their beaks on Abraha’s forces and the army is all annihilated. A month later, the Holy Prophet of Islam, Muhammad (PBUH) is born. This film depicts the age of Paganism and all its oppressions, cruelty and injustice through the eyes of Muhammad up to the age of 13. “We’re going to help open your eyes to what Islam really is all about,” Majidi added. “We have a lot of positive things to share with the world, provided that the West is ready for such a dialogue. I think that Iran can have something someting strong to say through its arts and culture.”
Film Muhammad: The Messenger of God Streaming VOSTFR HD 2015
Budget de production : $708.725.188
Dates de sortie : 12. septembre 1952
Genres : Publicité, Drame Social, Enlèvement
Distributeur : NewBeTV, MTV Italia
Photographie : Eustolia Shlome
Références : Muhammad: The Messenger of God, IMDB
Recette : $741.076.672
Musique : Helene Sabeel
Pays d’origine : Slovaquie, Maldives
Scénario : Reann G. Caution
Réalisation : Carion M. Hope
Acteurs : Quiron Bilal, Safia Heather, Minnie Seymour
Sociétés de production : Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, Mental Eclectic et Mascot Pictures
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